Posts in wholesale
022 | Prioritizing personal happiness with Emma James & Bailey Rivera, Antiquaria

Emma James and Bailey Rivera are the owners of Antiquaria. These savvy business women have made some big transitions in their business over the last 7 years. They started selling vintage pieces, hand calligraphic work and now focus their product line on stationery products such as gift wrap, notebooks and greeting cards.

They attended our Paper Camp E-Course in 2013 prior to launching wholesale. Their products are currently carried in Anthropologie, BHLDN, Paper Source, Terrain and independent boutiques internationally.

On today’s episode, they’ll tell their story of starting the business, talk about how pivoting at different points strengthened their business model and how prioritizing their personal happiness has enabled them to grow too. They also shared nuggets about what inspires them when creating new products as well as logistics for how they determine which product categories to tackle next.

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021 | Outsourcing product packaging with Stephanie Clarke, Dahlia Press

TSBC alum, Stephanie Clarke is the founder of Dahlia Press, a boutique design and letterpress studio that offers custom design for events, as well as, a wide variety of stationery accoutrements for the retail and wholesale channels. Stephanie participated in our Paper Camp E-Course in 2014 before selling wholesale and exhibiting at the National Stationery Show.

On today’s episode, Stephanie and I are talking about how her business transitioned from a side hustle into a full time gig, how sales reps have enhanced her business and she shares her system for outsourcing packaging of her products.

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marketing, wholesaleGuest User
016 | How to pitch your products to retailers with Shayna Norwood, Steel Petal Press

TSBC Alumni, Shayna Norwood of Steel Petal Press owns the letterpress studio and retail storefront based in Chicago. Shayna started Steel Petal Press in 2008 as a side hustle and it became her full time gig in 2010. In 2016, she opened her flagship retail shop selling her own products as well as stationery and office goods from other independent brands.

On today’s episode, Shayna shares how she manages both a wholesale business and a retail storefront, the challenges she’s faced while growing her business and her advice to designers who are pitching their products to wholesale buyers.

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015 | Inspiration for creating new products with Allison Brennan & Jessica Tree, The Social Type

TSBC Alums, Allison Brennan & Jessica Tree are the owners of The Social Type. They launched their foil-pressed greeting card line in 2010 and have since expanded into other gift categories including their very popular matchboxes. On this episode, Jess and Allison talk about their inspiration for creating new products, how they split responsibilities as business partners and we talk about the importance of slow, but steady growth in business.

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014 | Overseas manufacturing with Heather Harris, Copper Bottom Design

TSBC Alum, Heather Harris has been designing day planners and desk products since 2004 for clients including momAgenda, Barney’s, Brooks Brothers, and Tiffany & Co. In 2015, she branched out on her own to start Copper Bottom Design Co. where she and her team help product based businesses with design, proofreading and overseas production. On today’s episode, we’re talking how to know if you’re ready for overseas manufacturing, common errors people make when creating day planners and how her past experiences and skills have led her to create a thriving, enriching business for herself.

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010 | Slow, strategic team building with Erin Ozer, Knot & Bow

Erin Ozer is the owner of Knot & Bow. Erin got her start on Etsy in 2010 and has had tremendous, but organic growth, over the last seven years. Her stationery, gift wrap and party goods can be found in more than 1500 retail shops around the world, including Paper Source, Anthropologie, Container Store, and Hallmark just to name a few. On this episode Erin talks about her humble beginnings, manufacturing challenges she experienced, and how she slowly but strategically added members to her team.

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008 | Infusing personal interests into creative work with Briana & Jason of Brainstorm

Owned and operated by Briana Feola and Jason Snyder, Brainstorm is a print shop and collaborative design studio rooted in the production of original art prints inspired by science, nature, and the outdoors. Briana & Jason have done some creative collaborative projects with big brands such as Lollapalooza, Patgonia, Airstream trailers and an upcoming project with L.L. Bean. On today’s episode Briana and Jason talk about how their love of learning inspires their work, using a strong brand to attract the right clients and why your business should always be in some state of transition.

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007 | Research & development of new products in the handmade space with Meg Sutton, Belle & Union Co.

Meg Sutton of Belle & Union Co., started her business in 2012 with a focus on creating handmade, American-made goods. Belle & Union has seen a ton of growth in their business in the last five years expanding from the world of letterpressed greeting cards into textiles, home goods, kitchen wares and paper gift products. On today’s episode, Meg and I talk about research & development of new products in the handmade space, working with sales reps, goal setting and how running a business is a marathon, not a sprint.

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006 | Sticking to your core values in product development with Katie Wilson, The Good Twin

Katie Wilson is the owner of The Good Twin, a stationery company known for its playful illustrations and hand-rendered type. Katie’s story is a unique one in that The Good Twin is her second successful business in the stationery industry. On today’s episode, Katie and I will talk about the pros and cons of being ahead of trends, the importance of slow sustainable growth and why we should never ever compare ourselves to other people’s businesses.

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005 | Balancing a manufacturing business & retail store with Sara McNally, Constellation & Co.

Sara McNally is the owner of Constellation & Co., a letterpress studio and retail shop based in Seattle. She attended Paper Camp in 2013 prior to jumping into wholesale and doing her first trade show. On today’s episode Sara talks about juggling a manufacturing business and retail shop, utilizing interns and falling in love with letterpress.

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002 | Working with sales reps with Sam Kramer, Near Modern Disaster

Sam Kramer, the head boss lady at Near Modern Disaster got her start in business in 2009 and amped things up in 2014 when she began selling wholesale, did her first trade show and she expanded her product line into greeting cards, mugs, notepads and enamel pens. On today’s episode, Sam talks about her process for developing new products, the importance of releasing new products regularly and how working with sales reps has helped her scale her business. Sam attended Tradeshow Bootcamp’s Paper Camp in 2013 prior to launching her wholesale program.

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001 | Strategic product development with Jen Pham Corbett & Lisa Towns

Jen Pham-Corbett and Lisa Towns, the founders of Farewell Paperie attended Tradeshow Bootcamp’s very first Paper Camp conference in 2012, when it was just a handful of us sitting around on the living room floor of a bed and breakfast, and since then, they’ve had a ton of growth in their business. They’ve exhibited shows, expanded their product line. They’ve hired a team, and they’ve worked with sales reps. They’ve also been TSBC speakers for the last few years. These ladies are super smart business women and fantastic mentors to others in the creative field.

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