178 | 7 Ways to Enhance Your Customer Journey with Katie Hunt
How can we enhance your customer journey? Oftentimes we’re so focused on capturing the sale and everything leading up to it. But in reality, your customers’ journey begins the moment that they learn about you.
This means the customer journey could start weeks or months before they ever step foot into your store or open your website to look through your shop. That’s why it’s critical to nail down the customer journey so you can create a tribe of raving fans for your brand. Take a listen, jot down some notes and begin to think about some of these tips and how you can implement them in your business to strengthen your customer’s experience.
Why you need to create a positive pathway for your customers
The 7 ways to enhance the customer journey
Where you can gather analytics from your customers
Examples of how you can survey your audience
Why you should map out your customer journey
Ideas for saying “thank you” to your customers
Why you need to train your team to creatively handle customer service
Why you need to give your customers the tools to be your biggest ambassadors
Consider how you can make improvements
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“Your customer’s experiences with your brand begins the moment they learn about you.” - Katie Hunt
“As business owners, it is essential that you do your very best to ensure that your customers have a positive pathway or customer journey.” - Katie Hunt
“We have opportunities before, during and after our customers purchase from us to create a positive and memorable experience for them.” - Katie Hunt
“Find ways to make your customer’s lives easier and their shopping experience more enjoyable.” -Katie Hunt
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Proof to Product LABS
Connect with Katie Hunt
Katie Hunt is a business strategist, podcaster, mentor and mama to four. She helps product based businesses build profitable, sustainable companies through her conferences, courses and coaching programs.
Website: prooftoproduct.com | Instagram: @prooftoproduct